A roundtrip on the moat

A roundtrip on the moat

From the water you have a splendid view of the impressive fortifications of Naarden. The trip with the museum boat of the Dutch Fortress Museum takes you over the eastern moat past curtain walls, bastions, ravelins and the eastern bear, all dating from the 17th century. The skipper will alert you to the sights and let you enjoy the beauty of the fortress. The museum boat sails from April to October on Saturdays and Sundays, on 2 P.M. and 3 P.M. There is room for 12 passengers, tickets are available for € 3.50 per person at the entrance box.

Exclusive roundtrips

The museum boat can also be exclusively rented for private parties of up to 12 persons. The one-hour roundtrip takes the eastern inner moat and cost € 55. The long roundtrip of 2 hours also takes the outer moat, the old and new harbour along the Arsenaal and Fort Ronduit. This trip costs € 75.


If you want to book an exclusive boat trip, you can contact us by telephone during office hours: 035-6945459. Or fill in the form on this page; we will contact you the next workday.